
AnyCubic Photon - High Resolution, low cost

Wow.... Unbelievable.... Amazing....
The best prints I've ever seen on a desktop printer. This printer says it will print down to 10 microns. Have not yet even attempted that resolution becasue the 50 microns I'm printing at is almost perfect.

Quick Review:
Cost - $529.92 and free shipping. Shipped from LA, CA, I recived it in 3 days.
Purchased - Ebay
Cost - $0.00 for the Photon slicing software
Printer Type: DLP (Digital LIght Processing)
Construction - Steel box frame, fully enlcosed with blue tinted acrylic glass windows.
Build platform - 115mm x 65mm removable aluminum bed  x 155mm tall.
Hot end - NA
Light Source - UV-LED (wave-length 405nm)
LCD Screen - LCD Shadow Masking
Nozzle - .NA
Prints - 405nm UV sensitive resin.
Resolution - from 25 microns to 100 microns (.025 mm to .1 mm)
Power supply - computer style power brick
Controls - LCD touch screen/controller
Manufactured - China based Shenzhen Anycubic Technology Co., Ltd

* The nicest looking printer I own. Everything has it's place and is all enclosed. 
* Very quiet running.
* Comes fully Assembled and is ready to print in minutes
* Print bed is pretty easy to level. 
* Resolution on small printed items is unbelievable. Really!
* Requires not pre-heat or heat-up time before printing.
* When adding additonal items on the bed, it takes no additonal time to print. Each layer takes the same amout of time, whether the bed if full of items or just one item. Awesome!

* Have needed to level the bed more regular than the FDM printers so far.
* Uses messy resin and requires UV curing after the print. There's some getting used to the fuss of the resin.

* Have had issues with the LCD screen not working properly and failing prints. At this time, we have to fully turn-off the printer after a print and only turn it back on just before we print again for the screen to work correctly. Not sure what is causing this yet.
* Not all resins are created equal. So far the supplied Anycubic green resin was excellent and we found the Monocure 3D Rapid resin in clear to be very good also. Wanhao 3d printing resin in gray not so good for this printer.
* Resin seems to be brittle. May be the way we're curing the prints?... TBD.


Website Links where you can purchase this printer: